Quantitative strategies for SR and single molecule dynamics
Development of nano-tools for quantitative bio-imagingProject description
Over the last ten years, enormous developments in imaging technologies, quantitative analysis algorithms, new optical probes and breakthrough genetic engineering methods have enabled the rapid emergence and application of novel single molecule fluorescence techniques, such as single particle tracking and super-resolution nanoscopy. While these approaches are extremely powerful in Biology, there is an increasing demand for robust, unbiased quantification methods of the raw data. We are developing different analysis algorithms that provide detailed quantification of multicolour single particle tracking data to reveal diffusion patterns and dynamic interactions between individual molecules in living cells. We also develop different analysis algorithms for unbiased quantification of STED and single molecule localization-based super-resolution images.
ICFO groups associated with the project
ICFO publications associated with the project
Single molecule fluorescence reveals dimerization of myristoylated Src N-terminal region on supported lipid bilayers
A. Le Roux, B. Castro, E.T. Garbacik, M.F. Garcia Parajo, and M. Pons,ChemistrySelect, vol. 1, pp. 642-647, 2016.
Uncovering homo-and hetero-interactions on the cell membrane using single particle tracking approaches
J.A. Torreno-Pina, C. Manzo, and M.F. Garcia-Parajo,Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 49, pp. 104002, 2016.
Chromatin Fibers Are Formed by Heterogeneous Groups of Nucleosomes In Vivo
M. Ricci, C. Manzo, M.F. García-Parajo, M. Lakadamyali, and M. Cosma,Cell, vol. 160, pp. 1145-1158, 2015.
Weak Ergodicity Breaking of Receptor Motion in Living Cells Stemming from Random Diffusivity
C. Manzo, J.A. Torreno-Pina, P. Massignan, G.J. Lapeyre, M. Lewenstein, and M.F. Garcia Parajo,Physical Review X, vol. 5, 2015.
A review of progress in single particle tracking: from methods to biophysical insights
C. Manzo, and M.F. Garcia-Parajo,Reports on Progress in Physics, vol. 78, pp. 124601, 2015.
PSF decomposition of nanoscopy images via Bayesian analysis unravels distinct molecular organization of the cell membrane
C. Manzo, T.S. van Zanten, S. Saha, J.A. Torreno-Pina, S. Mayor, and M.F. Garcia-Parajo,Scientific Reports, vol. 4, 2014.
External collaborations
HFSP advanced grant; Fundacio Cellex, MICINN– Plan Nacional MAT2011-22887: IMMU-NANO-FORCE; MINECO-FIS2014-56107-R