Development of quantitative, high spatiotemporal resolution imaging methods
Development of nano-tools for quantitative bio-imagingProject description
Super-resolution microscopy has revolutionized light microscopy, pushing the spatial resolution well below the diffraction limit. The impact of super-resolution methods have already been recognized by the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2014. Important challenges remain in pushing the application of these methods in biology. One of these limitations is the ability to extract quantitative information from the images, which is confounded by fluorophore photophysics. In addition, the temporal resolution is also limited by fluorophore photostability and photoswitching characteristics. We are developing methods to circumvent these limitations and extend the spatiotemporal resolution and quantitative power of super-resolution microscopy.
ICFO groups associated with the project
ICFO publications associated with the project
Chromatin Fibers Are Formed by Heterogeneous Groups of Nucleosomes In Vivo
M. Ricci, C. Manzo, M.F. García-Parajo, M. Lakadamyali, and M. Cosma,Cell, vol. 160, pp. 1145-1158, 2015.
A Microfluidic Platform for Correlative Live-Cell and Super-Resolution Microscopy
J. Tam, G.A. Cordier, . Bálint, . Sandoval Álvarez, J.S. Borbely, and M. Lakadamyali,PLoS ONE, vol. 9, pp. e115512, 2014.
Cross-Talk-Free Multi-Color STORM Imaging Using a Single Fluorophore
J. Tam, G.A. Cordier, J.S. Borbely, . Sandoval Álvarez, and M. Lakadamyali,PLoS ONE, vol. 9, pp. e101772, 2014.
Quantitative super-resolution microscopy: pitfalls and strategies for image analysis
N. Durisic, L.L. Cuervo, and M. Lakadamyali,Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, vol. 20, pp. 22-28, 2014.
Single-molecule evaluation of fluorescent protein photoactivation efficiency using an in vivo nanotemplate
N. Durisic, L. Laparra-Cuervo, . Sandoval-Álvarez, J.S. Borbely, and M. Lakadamyali,Nature Methods, vol. 11, pp. 156-162, 2014.
Correlative live-cell and superresolution microscopy reveals cargo transport dynamics at microtubule intersections
. Bálint, I. Verdeny Vilanova, . Sandoval Álvarez, and M. Lakadamyali,Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 110, pp. 3375-3380, 2013.
Super‐Resolution Microscopy: Going Live and Going Fast
M. Lakadamyali,ChemPhysChem, vol. 15, pp. 630-636, 2013.
GraspJ: an open source, real-time analysis package for super-resolution imaging
N. Brede, and M. Lakadamyali,Optical Nanoscopy, vol. 1, pp. 11, 2012.
External collaborations
Present ERC-MOTORS (ERC-Starting Grant), FP-7- HEALTH.2010. (Systems Microscopy Network of Excellence), Future and Emerging Technologies, FET-Open, CellViewer
Past Spanish Ministry of Education, Plan Nacional, Marie Curie International Re-Integration Grant, ICFO-Startup Package