Advanced photonic antennas for cellular nano-imaging and spectroscopy
Development of nano-tools for quantitative bio-imagingProject description
We exploit novel concepts of photonic antennas to generate new bionanophotonic tools for ultrasensitive detection, nanoimaging and nanospectroscopy of biomolecules in living cells. By taking advantage of the extraordinary field enhancement, directionality and nanofocusing afforded by resonant and broadband photonic antennas, our approach will allow the ultimate level of sensitivity down to single biomolecule detection in ultra-reduced detection volumes (including living cells). Current efforts focus on the fabrication of aperture antennas either carved at the end of near-field optical fibers or fabricated on planar substrates. When applied to living cells, these devices should provide optical resolution with sub-nanometer localization accuracy as well as dynamic information on the diffusion of individual molecules in nanometer scale regions of the cell membrane.
ICFO groups associated with the project
ICFO publications associated with the project
Planar Optical Nanoantennas Resolve Cholesterol-Dependent Nanoscale Heterogeneities in the Plasma Membrane of Living Cells
R. Regmi, P.M. Winkler, V. Flauraud, K.J.E. Borgman, C. Manzo, J. Brugger, H. Rigneault, J. Wenger, and M.F. García-Parajo,Nano Letters, vol. 17, pp. 6295-6302, 2017.
Roadmap on biosensing and photonics with advanced nano-optical methods
E.D. Fabrizio, S. Schlücker, J. Wenger, R. Regmi, H. Rigneault, G. Calafiore, M. West, S. Cabrini, M. Fleischer, N.F. van Hulst, M.F. Garcia-Parajo, A. Pucci, D. Cojoc, C.A.E. Hauser, and M. Ni,Journal of Optics, vol. 18, pp. 063003, 2016.
Large-Scale Arrays of Bowtie Nanoaperture Antennas for Nanoscale Dynamics in Living Cell Membranes
V. Flauraud, T.S. van Zanten, M. Mivelle, C. Manzo, M.F. Garcia Parajo, and J. Brugger,Nano Letters, vol. 15, pp. 4176-4182, 2015.
Fiber-Based Optical Nanoantennas for Single-Molecule Imaging and Sensing
A. Singh, J.T. Hugall, G. Calbris, and N.F. van Hulst,Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 33, pp. 2371-2377, 2015.
Hybrid Photonic Antennas for Subnanometer Multicolor Localization and Nanoimaging of Single Molecules
M. Mivelle, T.S. van Zanten, and M.F. Garcia-Parajo,Nano Letters, vol. 14, pp. 4895-4900, 2014.
Nanophotonic approaches for nanoscale imaging and single‐molecule detection at ultrahigh concentrations
M. Mivelle, T.S. Van Zanten, C. Manzo, and M.F. Garcia‐Parajo,Microscopy Research and Technique, vol. 77, pp. 537-545, 2014.
Vectorial Nanoscale Mapping of Optical Antenna Fields by Single Molecule Dipoles
A. Singh, G. Calbris, and N.F. van Hulst,Nano Letters, vol. 14, pp. 4715-4723, 2014.
A Resonant Scanning Dipole-Antenna Probe for Enhanced Nanoscale Imaging
L. Neumann, J. van ’t Oever, and N.F. van Hulst,Nano Letters, vol. 13, pp. 5070-5074, 2013.
Recent progress in cell surface nanoscopy: Light and force in the near-field
Y.F. Dufrêne, and M.F. Garcia-Parajo,Nano Today, vol. 7, pp. 390-403, 2012.
Single-Molecule Imaging of Cell Surfaces Using Near-Field Nanoscopy
P. Hinterdorfer, M.F. Garcia-Parajo, and Y.F. Dufrêne,Accounts of Chemical Research, vol. 45, pp. 327-336, 2011.
Ultrabright Bowtie Nanoaperture Antenna Probes Studied by Single Molecule Fluorescence
M. Mivelle, T.S. van Zanten, L. Neumann, N.F. van Hulst, and M.F. Garcia-Parajo,Nano Letters, vol. 12, pp. 5972-5978, 2012.
External collaborations
Dr. Jerome Wenger (Institute Fresnel, Marseille, France), Prof. Juergen Brugger (Microsystems Lab, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland), Dr. Mathieu Mivelle (ESPCI, Paris, France)